Dosage- 1 to 2 kg per acre at 30 days interval
- Use only through drip or drinching , not for spraying.
- On soils with normal pH, 12 kg per acre of Pruthvi Rich ora should be applied per year, and on soils with high or alkaline pH, 14 to 15 kg of Pruthvi Rich ora per acre per year should be applied.
1 kg per acre should be given every 30 days during the growing stage of the crop by drip or Drinching .
Precautions to be taken while using Pruthvi Rich Ora
- 15 to 20 minutes after putting Pruthvi Rich Ora in water. Stir through a plastic pipe until combined.
- If the mixture starts to feel warm or hot, the mixture should be considered ready.
- Do not pour water into Pruthvi Rich Ora bottles or cans.
- The lid of Pruthvi Rich Ora can/bottle should be closed immediately after use otherwise its purity will be affected.
- Pruthvi Rich Ora should not be used with ingredients containing calcium.
- Do not store in extremely hot or cold places.