Driven by the motto "Save the Soil, Save the Nation," Nature Care Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd., Vita, provides a solid alternative for sustainable farming through the production of organic fertilizers. This ISO 9001:2015 certified organic fertilizer manufacturer was founded in 1997 by Mr. Jayant Vaman Barve, also known as Baba Barve.

With over 40 years of active involvement in organic farming, Mr. Baba Barve has conducted relentless research to achieve poison-free farming and food, often going against the prevailing agricultural trends of the time. To prevent the decreasing fertility of the soil due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and their adverse effects, he developed "Green Harvest," a compost-based organic fertilizer, as an alternative.
Since 1997, Nature Care has been successfully operating not only throughout Maharashtra but also in Goa, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Angola, and Mauritius. Today, Nature Care is equipped with integrated fertilizer management technology, serving farmers with products like Green Harvest, Green Harvest Special, Green Harvest Granules, along with bio-fertilizers and polyphosphate fertilizers, for modern agriculture.
All of Nature Care's products have been certified by the agriculture departments of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Goa. Additionally, these high-quality products are certified by the international organization Ecocert according to USDA NOP, EU, and NPOP organic standards. Rigorous and successful trials of Nature Care's products have been conducted on various crops by agricultural institutions such as Rahuri Agricultural University, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari, ICAR Goa, Kenya Sugar Board, Morogoro University in Tanzania, and Yokohama Nursery in Japan.
Nature Care's production facility is located in Vita, where all raw materials and produced goods are tested using advanced equipment in a well-equipped laboratory, ensuring the highest quality of all products.
To maintain soil health, avoid environmental damage, and maximize agricultural production at minimal cost, our trained staff visit farmers' fields to provide appropriate guidance based on the needs of the soil and crops.
In today's era, to ensure food security and safe food, the Nature Care Fertilizers family remains committed to achieving an EVER GREEN Revolution through integrated fertilizer management.